Minumum Viable Community: A Framework for Building

Community is a feeling of fellowship with other people, as a result of sharing specific common attitudes, interests, and goals. It’s no secret that community is my jam. I’ve written about it in several posts, like this one on building a minimum viable community, this one on preparing for launch, and this one on why the time is now for community. I spent the last few years of my career building communities for coworking spaces, enterprises, and entrepreneurs. In all of these pursuits, I tried to answer a few focused questions in order to create a community plan of action.

Over the last several months, I’ve had the joy of partnering with companies that I mentor and MATH portfolio companies to design their minimum viable communities. It was incredible. I knew that I had to bottle my knowledge and experience so I could share it with a wider audience.

Behold, my framework for building a community. These are the questions and thoughts I work through with founders when they are building their minimum viable community.

What do you think of the framework? What is missing? Feel free to jump into the comments or find me on twitter @MissElisaS.