Venture Capital

Think twice before committing to strategic investors

Strategic investors seem like a great way to build a relationship with a company that who could potentially acquire you in the future. THINK TWICE, because it may not be in your best interest to have them on your cap table. In this video, I explain why what seems like an amazing opportunity might be a decision you would regret…

MATH 101: Funding the Valley

MATH 101: Funding the Valley

At MATH, we want help build a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem. With years of experience in operating, fundraising and advising CEOs, we have a lot of advice to give. So, we are introducing a new video series -- MATH 101 -- with the intention of democratizing the learnings we've gathered over the past few decades. Enjoy our first post on how to fundraise ahead of the infamous "valley of despair."

Fortune: The 5 Worst Things You Could Say to a Venture Capitalist

Fortune:  The 5 Worst Things You Could Say to a Venture Capitalist

As a venture capitalist, I meet every day with two or three entrepreneurs who pitch me to invest in their dreams. (Last year, we reviewed more than 2,000 new companies.) Having done this now for 20 years across three funds, I’ve heard every kind of pitch imaginable. Here are five examples of what not to say to a VC.

Strong Suit 027 What VC’s Really Look For in Founders

Strong Suit 027 What VC’s Really Look For in Founders

A candid conversation with Mark Achler, Managing Director of MATH Venture Partners. Mark pulls back the curtain on: What VC’s really look for in an entrepreneur / What sets apart the entrepreneurs who make it & those who don’t / / The single-most vital skill of an entrepreneur / And how Founder/CEO transitions can go smoothly… or terribly.